SessionCloud Portal
SIP settings

SIP Settings

This section provides detail on each of the SIP settings options in the the SessionCloud portal.

Login Fields

This field determines the set of options shown to the user when first setting up the SIP account. There are four possible options and the resulting screens that will be shown to the user for each option are shown below. If the external provisioning option is selected then the login form will not be shown to the user.


Provider Id

For the Generic and Brands products a Provider Id is required. This is what the user will enter on first time setup to provision the softphones.

Provider Name

This is used on the Login screen and Dialer screen.


Server IP address or domain of your server. If port is other than 5060 specify the port as follows.


Choice of UDP, TCP or TLS. TLS is only available in the premium package which has the encryption option.


Choice of Inband, RFC2833 and SIP INFO.

Wifi Codecs & Mobile Codecs

Use the drop down select menu to select the codecs you wish to have available in your custom softphone. The codec order can also be set here with preferred codecs being left most in the horizontal list. Please enable G729 setting to show this codec in this list.

Video Wifi & Mobile Codecs

Use the drop down select menu to select the codecs you wish to have available in your custom softphone. The codec order can also be set here with preferred codecs being left most in the horizontal list

SIP Traversal

Private - The softphone will register with the local IP address of the softphone Static - This option allows you to specify a fixed IP address that the softphone will use to register with the SIP server. This prevents changes in IP address when the device is moved between WiFi and mobile networks Global - The softphone will register with a public IP address.

Static IP

This setting will become visible when Static is chosen from SIP Traversal setting. Specify an IP address from RFC1918 address ranges –, –, –

IP Version

Prefer IPV4 - Softphone will use IPV4 networks as a preference. Prefer IPV6 - Softphone will use IPV6 networks as a preference. Your SIP server must support IPV6 IPV4 Only - Softphone will only use IPV4 networks IPV6 Only - Softphone will only use IPV6 networks

STUN Enabled WiFi & STUN Enabled 3G

If enabled the public IP address is used by the softphone in the SDP. There are separate setting for Wifi and Mobile networks

STUN Server

Domain or IP address of STUN server in format

Incoming Calls

If set to 'Disabled' the softphone will not attempt SIP registration. Only disable if your solution is outgoing calls only.

Incoming Calls Mode

This setting controls what Incoming calls options are shown to the user

Run In Background- Softphone will run in the background Push - Softphone will only use Push notifications to receive incoming calls Push & Run In Background - Both options for softphone to use Push Notifications or run in background are shown

Push Enabled

Enable to allow use of Apple Push Notifications to wake up the softphone. This option allows receiving calls when the app is closed and so has zero effect on battery life as all SIP registration is handled by an external server. For Whitelabel apps you need to setup your own Push server. There is a separate setting where the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) must be specified that points to the location of your Push server. Generic apps will use our Push servers if no push server is specified.

Push Registration Modes


Use this if your SIP server does not support multiple registrations. The Push server will maintain a continuous registration with your SIP server. The app will not unregister or register.


This requires your SIP server supports multiple registrations. The Push server will maintain a permanent registration. The app will register and unregister as it moves to foreground and background. This is the recommended mode.


The Push server and app will swap registrations. When the app is closed or backgrounded it will unregister, the Push server will then register and 'take over' the registration

Single Register

This works the same as the Synchronous mode but neither app or Push server will unregister first

Push Server FQDN

FQDN ( Fully qualified domain name) of your Push server. IP addresses cannot be specified here.

Docker Id

We will use this to send you an email invitation to our Docker repository. Docker Ids can be obtained at (opens in a new tab)

Firebase Web API Key

Required for Android push notifications when using your Push server. See Push Server Setup where to obtain this value.

Firebase Application Id

Required for Android push notifications when using your Push server. See Push Server Setup where to obtain this value.

Firebase Database Url

Required for Android push notifications when using your Push server. See Push Server Setup where to obtain this value.

Voicemail Number

The value entered here will be used when the 'Dial Voicemail' button is tapped in the mobile SIP client


Enter Proxy in format

Register Expiry

This is the interval in seconds that the application will attempt a SIP REGISTER with your provider.

UDP Keepalives

Enables sending of UDP keepalive packets. These are used to keep the pinhole open on your NAT/Firewall router so you receive incoming calls reliably.


Enable Audio Encryption by default

SMS If 'Enabled' show SMS Messaging in Tab Bar menu else it is hidden and unavailable for use.

Show Encryption Options Menu

The Audio Encryption menu and Transport options will visible to users. This will allow encryption to be enabled and disabled by the user

Show Log Menu

Logging option will be available to user. The log can then be sent to your Support team to assist debugging.

Verify TLS Cert

Used with SIP TLS transport, if you have specified UDP or TCP you can ignore this setting. If enabled the softphone will attempt to verify server TLS certificate.

Enable G729

The G729 codec will be available in WiFi & 3G Codecs menu. There is no longer a charge for this codec.


When connected to IPV6 network the softphone will populate the SDP with an IPV4 address to allow correct operation with IPV4 only servers. For this to work the IPV6 network must support a NAT64 gateway.

Balance URL

To enable balance display enter the URL here. An example URL and response expected by the SIP client is shown below. The error tag is optional. The xml balance tag name is configurable. The outer response tag is mandatory. Also please note you must provide an https (SSL) url. (opens in a new tab)

0 $10.00

Balance Tag Used to specify name of xml tag which displays account balance.