Mobile Softphone
Understanding advanced SIP details

Understanding Advanced SIP Details

Transport - this is the protocol used for transmitting data between the softphone app and the VoIP server.

Encrypt Audio - enabling this feature ensures that your voice data is encrypted.

IP Version - this specifies whether to use IPv4 or IPv6 for network communication.

Voicemail Number - the number users dial to access their voicemail.

Subscribe MWI - enable this to receive a notification when there is a new voicemail message.

DTMF Mode - select a DTMF mode to define how signals are transmitted during a call. This is used to ensure proper transmission of keypad tones for tasks like navigating automated menus.

Incoming Calls - controls whether the softphone can accept incoming calls or not.

Expiry Period - this is the number of seconds that will determine how often the softphone app re-registers with the VoIP server.

UDP Keepalives - enable this feature to send periodic packets to maintain the connection with the VoIP server. This will prevent the connection from timing out due to inactivity.

Keepalive Interval - set this to control how often keepalive packets are sent. This can help to ensure a stable connection.

SIP Traversal - choose a traversal method to handle how SIP traffic navigates through firewalls and NATs.

Static IP - this is the address that if set would be the constant IP address for the softphone, this can improve connection reliability.

STUN Enabled - enabling this helps devices behind NATs discover their public IP address. This can help improve call connectivity.

STUN Server - this is the address of the server that will assist with NAT traversal by providing the public IP address and port.

Forward Number - this is the number that calls will be forwarded to.

Outbound Proxy Enabled - enable this to route SIP traffic through an outbound proxy server.

Outbound Proxy Domain - this is the domain address of the outbound proxy server.

Outbound Proxy Transport - this is the transport protocol used for communication with the outbound proxy.

Remote Username Ignore Display Name - enable this option to ensure that only the caller's username is displayed for incoming calls, ignoring any display name information.

Remote Username Incoming Caller ID - configure this option to control whether the caller's username or full caller ID information is displayed.

Proxy Require Nortel - enable this option if the VoIP service being used requires specific handling for Nortel proxy servers.