Mobile Softphone
How to create a dial rule

How to Create a Dial Rule

Navigate to the Settings tab, click on 'Accounts', then select the account that you want to add the dial rule to. Scroll down and the click on the 'Dialling Rules' arrow. This will take you to the 'Dial Plan' page. This lists all the dial rules for that account.

Click on the '+' button to create a new dial rule.

Selecting Accounts from Settings

Selecting an Account

Selecting Dial Rules from Account Settings

Clicking Add Dial Rule Button

Prefix Addition: Automatically adds necessary prefixes, like country or area codes, making it easier to dial long-distance or international numbers.

Prefix Removal: Removes unnecessary prefixes from the dialed number for correct formatting and routing.

Match Number: Applies rules to numbers that match a specific pattern, ensuring they are processed and routed accurately.

GSM: Converts numbers into a format suitable for GSM networks, commonly used for mobile calls.

Fill in all the necessary fields, then click the "Save" button. Note that the rule cannot be saved until at least the 'Name' field is completed.

A rule will be automatically applied to a number when it is called. Using dial rules simplifies dialing international numbers and ensures correct call routing.

Clicking Save Dial Rule Button

Delete a Dial Rule

Right click on the rule and click the 'Delete' option. This will allow you to remove the dial rule.

Clicking Delete Dial Rule Button