SessionCloud Portal
Remote Phonebook


Contacts can be imported into the app through an API. The URL, username and password for the API can be entered with the rest of the configuration settings. Once present the app will sync contacts with the server every 30 minutes. The contacts will be imported using a GET method. The response can be in JSON or in XML.

Example JSON Response:

    "Id": "602a52f538975909a8e36a48",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Email": [""],
    "Address": ["Privet Drive", "Norfolk"],
    "Softphone": ["23423423", "345345345"],
    "WorkNumber": ["000000000", "111111111111"],
    "HomeNumber": ["22222222", "333333333"],
    "MobileNumber": ["444444444", "555555555"],
    "Fax": ["6666666", "77777777"],
    "Other": ["8888888888", "999999999"]
    "Id": "602bf55338975909a8e36a49",
    "FirstName": "Jane",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Email": [""],
    "Address": ["James Street", "Suffolk"],
    "Softphone": ["03423423", "125345345"],
    "WorkNumber": ["100000000", "011111111111"],
    "HomeNumber": ["02222222", "033333333"],
    "MobileNumber": ["044444444", "055555555"],
    "Fax": ["0666666", "07777777"],
    "Other": ["0888888888", "099999999"]

Example XML response

			<string>Privet Drive</string>

Description of Keys ‍


Unique identifier of contact. Contacts without this will be ignored


A string value which should change if any field in the contact changes. The softphone will use this

to determine whether to update the contact with new information

‍ HomeNumber, MobileNumber, WorkNumber, Fax, Softphone, Other Array of string values containing phone numbers. ‍


ISO2 country code


Array of strings containing email addresses

‍ The strings inside contacts should use UTF-8 encoding.

Contacts Section in Advanced Provisioning

Remote PhoneBook

if enabled the softphone will attempt to import contacts via REST API from the url specified in Remote Phonebook Url field

Title shown in Apps

This is the Group ( Desktop softphones) that the contacts will be assigned to within the apps

Remote Phonebook Url

REST API endpoint

Remote Phonebook POST Data

If present the app will use POST rather than GET

Example for application/json

{"username" : "%user%","password" : "%pwd%"}