SessionCloud Portal
iOS AppStore Settings

iOS App Store Settings

The version of your application to be displayed on the Apple store. Please be sure to set this whenever you create a new iOS build.

Please note dummy data is used in all screenshots below and is intended only as a guide as to how the information should appear.

Distribution Certificate Identity

This is the Common Name of the Apple Distribution certificate you created in your Apple Developer account as described in this help article. You can obtain this by double clicking the certificate in the Keychain Access application on your Mac.

Distribution Certificate Password

This is the password you set on the certificate when exporting certificate and private key pair. This can be done by selecting both the certificate and private key in the KeyChain Access application on your Mac, then right click and 'Export 2 items'. Save the certificate in p12 format.

KeyChain Access Application

Distribution Certificate

This is the actual certificate uploaded to your portal in p12 format.

App Store Page

Provisioning Profile Name

This is the name of the provisioning profile you created in your Apple Developer account as described in this help article.

Creating Certificates and Profiles for the App Store

Provisioning Profile UUID

The UUID of the app provisioning profile. To obtain the UUID for the provisioning profile open the Terminal application on your mac and navigate to the directory where you saved your profile. Run the following command

security cms -D -i myprofile.mobileprovision

This will give you a plist xml that you can inspect. Grab the value for the UUID key.



Provisioning Profile

The provisoning profile file itself

Upload Provisoning Profile

Messaging Extension Provisioning Profile Name

This is the name of the messaging provisioning profile you created in your Apple Developer account as described in this help article.

Creating Certificates and Profiles for the App Store

Messaging Extension Provisioning Profile UUID

The UUID of the messaging provisioning profile.To obtain the UUID for the profile open the Terminal application on your mac and navigate to the directory where you saved your profile. Run the following command

security cms -D -i msgextensionprofile.mobileprovision

This will give you a plist xml that you can inspect. Grab the value for the UUID key.



Messaging Extension Provisioning Profile

The messaging extension provisioning profile itself

Uploading Messaging Extension