Desktop Softphone
Call Management
How to place multiple calls

How to Place Multiple Calls

To dial more than one call,place a call using any of the methods of placing a single call.The view changes to the multi call view. Upto six simultaneous calls can be placed.

Multiple Calls List

Swapping calls

Any existing calls are automatically placed on hold.In the below screenshot Bernardo Figeroa is on hold and the call with Alisha is the active call.To resume the call with Bernado tap the resume icon.

Clicking Play Button

Bernado now becomes the active call and Alisha is placed on hold

Multiple Calls List

Merge Calls

When there is more than one call,the calls can be merged into a conference.Tap the more icon and then select 'Merge Calls' from the context menu.

Selecting Merge Calls Option

The calls are then shown all in the same call panel when in a conference.

Multiple Merged Calls

Split Calls

Tap the split call icon within the conference view to split an individual call out of the conference.Here we are removing Bernado from the conference.

Clicking Split Call Button

Bernado is automatically placed on hold when removed from the conference.

Split and Merge Calls List

End Call

Tap the end call icon within each call panel to end that individual call. Here we end Alisha's call.


Tap the global end call icon to end all calls in the conference.


Back to Call button

If you are navigated away from the multi call view,tap the back to call green button to return.
