Push for Incoming Calls
Push Registration Modes
Multiple Registrations

Multiple Registrations

If your PBX supports multiple registrations, our Push server can maintain a continuous registration without having to register and unregister with your PBX. In this mode the softphone will register with your PBX when brought to the foreground and unregister when backgrounded or closed. The Push server will register when Push is enabled and then maintain that registration until Push is disabled within the softphone.

If your PBX does support Multiple Registrations such as an Asterisk install using the pjsip SIP stack then selecting this mode gives the best reliability as there is no window where either the Push server or softphone app on the device are in an unregistered state as the Push server is always registered.


Step 1

When Push is enabled in this mode , SIP credentials are immediately transferred securely to the Push server.

Step 2

The SIP account is then registered with the PBX.This registration is then maintained continuously until Push is disabled within the app.

Step 3

If the softphone is brought to the foreground, the softphone registers with the PBX as normal

Step 4

If the softphone is closed or backgrounded, the softphone unregisters with the PBX.

Please note that above Steps 1 and 2, Step 3 and Step 4 should be considered as independent scenarios, only Steps 1 and 2 are a sequence of events.